
Have you ever imagined applying for a credit card without leaving home? Banco Itaú makes this easy! Find out how to request your Itaú credit card just using your phone.

Why choose the Itaú credit card?

Advantages of the Itaú card

Banco Itaú is one of the best-known and respected financial institutions in Brazil. Offering a range of benefits, such as partner discounts, points programs and quality customer service, it is no surprise that many choose Itaú.

Diversity of options

And the best? There are a variety of card options, whether for those who spend a lot or for those who are just starting out in the world of credit. There are options for everyone!

Simple steps to request the card over the phone

Gather necessary documents

Before you pick up the phone, make sure you have all the necessary documents on hand. You will probably need information such as CPF, identity and proof of income.

Calling the bank

With everything in hand, call the Itaú customer service number. And remember: stay calm and patient during the process!

Service and request

When assisted, follow the operator's instructions. You will probably be directed to a specific sector to request the card. After entering the data, the waiting begins.

What to do after the request?

Wait time

After requesting, the bank will carry out a credit analysis. This process may take a few days. But don't worry, you will be informed every step of the way.

Receiving the card

Once approved, your card will be sent by mail. When you receive it, don't forget to unlock it following the bank's instructions.

Tips for responsible card use

Using your credit card responsibly is essential. Pay your invoices on time, avoid spending more than you can afford and, whenever possible, try to pay the full amount of the invoice to avoid interest.


Requesting an Itaú credit card over the phone is simple and practical. By following these steps and using credit wisely, you will make the most of the advantages offered.

Frequently asked questions

  1. Can I request more than one type of card over the phone?
    • Yes, but each type of card will undergo an individual analysis.
  2. What is the average waiting time for approval?
    • Generally, the analysis takes between 7 and 15 business days.
  3. How long will it take for the card to arrive at my home?
    • Once approved, it may take up to 10 business days for you to receive your card.
  4. Can I increase my limit right after receiving the card?
    • It is recommended to wait a few months of use to request a limit increase.
  5. Is there any cost to order the card over the phone?
    • No, the telephone request process is free.
